Journalists and the Media

What data does Rostrum hold?

Rostrum has access your personal data through the Roxhill media database or through our own communications with you. For further information on how Roxhill acquires and processes your data please refer to their privacy policy here.

We will only ever keep the following personal data on file:  name and contact details including email addresses, job title and place of work, property addresses and telephone numbers.

Why does Rostrum hold my data?

As we have already been doing, Rostrum has a legitimate interest in having your personal data so that we we can get in touch with you to share information and story ideas relating to our clients and the work they are doing. We hold your data because we have identified you as a journalist of interest for one or more of our clients. This is because you regularly write on shared areas of interest and expertise.

We intend to use your data to:

  • Discuss our clients, and any news or story ideas we may have concerning them
  • Discuss prospective clients, or other businesses, and obtain your views on them
  • Provide briefing documents for our clients including your career history, and examples of previous work
  • Discuss shared themes and topics of interest
  • Invite you to events, whether organised by Rostrum or on behalf of our clients

Where does Rostrum store my data?

All journalist data is stored on our SharePoint server or the Roxhill media database. Rostrum does not maintain or manage “all inclusive” media lists. All media lists that Rostrum processes are curated for the purposes of targeting a specific industry, topic, or group of journalists with a relevant interest in our clients.

Any data that is accessed outside of the SharePoint server is done so on a secure, encrypted device and promptly deleted, or uploaded onto the SharePoint server as soon as practically possible.

How long will Rostrum store my data for?

Rostrum regularly reviews its media lists on an on-going basis. If your practice area of journalism changes, and we are made aware of this, we will immediately act to remove your data from any media lists which are no longer relevant.

How can I access this data?

If you have any questions concerning personal data that Rostrum handles, including but not limited to:

  • Your right to access
  • Your right to correct
  • Your right to knowledge
  • Your right to object
  • Your right to deletion

Please send this request to We will revert with a Receipt of Request in 48 hours and provide a formal response within 28 days.

Clients of Rostrum

Businesses that provide services to Rostrum

Journalists and the Media