As part of Rostrum’s Tips and Tactics series, we look at some of the different tools and strategies we use to help us deliver compelling PR, social media and marketing campaigns for our clients.

This week, we are looking at how businesses can make sure their content is newsworthy.

When pitching ideas to target publications, it’s important that we give journalists stories that are both timely and relevant to their readership.

Luckily, there’s anacronym that can help you decide if your content is  newsworthy – TRUTH.

  • T is for topical
  • R is for relevant
  • U is for unusual
  • T is for trouble
  • H is for human

Is your commentary topical? How does it relate to the news agenda, and does your company messaging fit neatly into this? Utilising ‘news hooks’ such as the Chancellor’s Budget can be a great tactic to help link your company’s views and messages with what’s happening in the wider world.

Is it relevant? Few things annoy journalists more than being sent generic pitches that don’t align with the topics they cover. Ask yourself, ‘why would the readers of a particular publication be interested in your story – and how does your company relate to the audience you’re trying to reach?’

Be unusual. How do your news or views differ to the norm? Journalists are far more likely to cover companies and individuals with a contrarian viewpoint, business model or approach. When it comes to column inches, it’s good to be different!

The second T is for trouble. Whilst this might sound alarming, when used in the right way a little trouble can be useful. The question is, how does your company provide a solution to the issues that are prevalent in your market place? Stories which give tips or guidance to those looking for an answer to a problem (or trouble!) can help to position you as a go-to expert and  a leader in your sector.

Last but not least, the human element is vital, especially for a consumer audience. What is the human impact of what your business does? How does it make consumers’ lives easier? Case studies are a fantastic tool to illustrate this point, bringing your story to life and helping a wider audience to engage with your offering.

If you can tick off one or more of these elements, then you may have a piece worth sharing. The next step is to take this narrative and build it into a compelling story.

At Rostrum we hold media messaging sessions designed to help you create compelling content that will resonate with your target audiences. Check out our  training offerings here